Biscarrosse (which, like almost all the coastal towns in the Landes, is divided into two distinct areas, the Centre and the Beach (in this case, Biscarrosse and Biscarrose-Plage), is the last coastal town in the north of the Landes; if we leave this town to continue northwards, we leave the Landes and enter the department of Gironde, although both belong to the region of Nouvelle Aquitaine.
This route starts by the Cazaux-Sanguinet lake and descends southwards to go around the periphery of the Petit Étang de Biscarrose (Little Lake of Biscarrosse) and back to the starting point.
The route includes a few short stretches of road and some piste cyclable, but most of it is on forest tracks. On the first part of the route, right at the start, you also cross a few urban roads.
The route starts here, on Rue du Gardon, just where it crosses the piste cyclable.
To see the exact route in detail:
BISCARROSSE---Ruta-entre-lagos.kml (Google Earth))
Ruta entre lagos de Biscarrosse.gpx (Aplicaciones GPS)