Zerk hunkitzen zaitu gehiago:
zimiztaren distirak
ala milaka urtetan,
osinean daldarti dirauen
gizonak eutsitako suziak?
(Benito Lertxundi)



Mikel Ayuso

I'm Mikel Ayuso, a Basque journalist from Bilbao. As a great fan of cycling, I have found the Landes to be the perfect place to go cycling, as well as doing many other activities, which is why every year I travel, together with my partner, several times to this region located in the north of Iparralde.

As we saw that there is little information on the internet about the Landes, and taking advantage of my alleged writing skills, we decided to make a blog with all the information, brochures, maps and photos that we get on each of our trips. It's taking us many hours of work, but I think it's worth it if it helps other people who have also decided to enjoy the Landes landscapes. Let's hope so!

Given the large number of visits that the blog has been receiving despite the limited time we have been able to dedicate to it, we decided to transform it into a website. The design and implementation of the website is made by Komplot de Comunicación, a company I have worked for and which has among its lines of activity the creation and management of web content based on wordpress.

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